About Our Club

A street sign with "Pleasanton" in green letters is mounted on a supporting structure. Below it, a banner announces the "Rotary Halloween Spirit Run" event in Downtown Pleasanton on October 28 at 8:00 AM. Trees and rooftops are visible in the background.
A group of eight people stands in front of a truck with "Kids Against Hunger" written on it. They hold a poster that reads "AREA 4 ROTARY-GKI 15332+ Meals!" They are outdoors on a bright day with trees and buildings in the background.
A group of seven people pose outdoors around a newly installed little free library shaped like a small house. Two men in the front kneel with shovels, while the others stand behind them, smiling, on a cloudy day near a fenced area and a wooden structure.

About the Rotary Club of Pleasanton

Rotary Club of Pleasanton was founded July 17, 1965 and currently has approximately 90 members.  Club members participate in a wide variety of local and internationally focused projects.

The Club has a special interest in community youth and dedicates much of its energy to helping local young people develop into caring, responsible citizens. We also have concern for our seniors and have several projects dedicated to helping improve the lives of those in their later years.

Student Achievement Awards – Each month, students from Pleasanton High Schools are selected for special recognition based on academic and other noteworthy achievements. Winners are invited to attend a Rotary lunch meeting where they are honored for their accomplishment.

Senior Holiday Tea – The Club supports an afternoon “Tea” for over over 200 seniors. Rotarians serve the tea in addition to helping set up and take down the tables and decorations.  The event offers senior citizens a holiday social event that encourages them to get out of their homes.

Club foundation – The Club Foundation provides the vehicle for high school scholarship distribution through the Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee. Typical applicants may not have the best academic record, but have experienced adversity, and have demonstrated a desire for continuing their education and the potential to succeed. 

Wheelchair Project – A major international project. Working in partnership with the Wheelchair Foundation (founded by Ken Behring), the Club has provided over 3500 wheelchairs to those in need of mobility. Many Club members traveled to locations in Mexico and South America to participate in the distribution process.

Rotary Gives Thanks – Once a year, Rotarians help Pleasanton seniors and shut-ins with cleaning and light home maintenance tasks.

Rotaplast Project – Another major international activity. Club raises funds to support medical teams dedicated to providing free reconstructive facial surgeries to underprivileged children. Several members serve as volunteers.

Interact – A Rotary sponsored club at Amador High School which introduces students to Rotary and involves in community service projects.

Community Projects – Recent past projects include enhancement of the Arroyo del Valle, lights for school tennis courts, fixing up the Pleasanton cemetery, and planting trees for the sports park. Club chartered and sponsors Boy Scout Troop 911.

SOCIAL EVENTS – Our Club holds a number of social events each year where good times and good fellowship prevail. Events include a Progressive Dinner, Christmas/Holiday Party, a monthly “Third Thirsty Thursday happy hour excursions, and Poker Tournament.  New ideas are always welcomed.

Our mailing address is:

Rotary Club of Pleasanton
P.O. Box 352
Pleasanton, CA 94566

Join Us And Let’s Make A Better World, Today

“He profits most who serves best.”
Richard D. King
Rotary International President 2001-02


Contact us or visit us at:

Rotary Club of Pleasanton, P.O. Box 352, Pleasanton, CA 94566