Community Service

Community Service is one of the Avenues of Service which encourages Rotarians to offer service to their communities.

Rotarians volunteering at the Pleasanton Military Families Pancake Breakfast event.

Service is the very core of Rotary's character. It promotes Rotary's appeal and visibility in the community, and why Rotary continues to thrive. Rotarians recognize the importance of giving back to the community. As Rotarians we have the reasonability to find ways to improve the quality of life for those within our communities and to serve the public interest.

Volunteering for a community service activity is a wonderful way to invite friends, family and community members to participate in Rotary.

Sign up now to serve our community, and remember... “Do Good and Have Fun”!

Community Service is for all Rotarians

The Rotary Club of Pleasanton desires to participate in local events that reflect the interests and character of all members of our club.  We invite club members to make suggestions for any events within the Tri-Valley area that you would like the Community Service Committee to consider for 2025 and beyond.


Previous Community Service Events

One Warm Coat (Collection Event) - December 2024

Rotarians donated over 250 warm coats for those in need during the holidays.

The Rotary Club of Pleasanton, in partnership with with Dublin Technology Center (DTC) Workspaces in Dublin, held a warm coat drive during the month of December. Collection bins were available during Rotary Club meetings and at DTC. We even had a visit from Santa to help in collecting coats, because "One Warm Coat can Change a Life"!

Watch this inspiring video of the distribution event at Valley Community Church in Pleasanton on December 21, 2024 -

Rotary Club of Pleasanton volunteers sit in front of veterans memorial building.

Rotary Club creates care packages for deployed troops!

The Rotary Club of Pleasanton joined other volunteers at the Veterans Memorial Building on November 23, 2024 to help at the Pleasanton Military Families Holiday Pack Out. Hundreds of empty boxes were packed full of goodies before being mailed to our deployed troops during the holidays. Items ranged from towels, socks, and t-shirts to cracker jacks, beef jerky, and sudoku puzzle books.

Check out this Instagram Reel featuring our work -

Rotarians pick up trash to preserve a local creek

On November 2, 2024, the Rotary Club of Pleasanton joined with residents of Pleasanton to support Living Arroyos, an organization that preserves Tri-Valley creeks with trash pick up events. This one was in our own backyard in the creek that runs between Lions Wayside Park and the Firehouse Arts Center. A total of 24 volunteers cleaned a 1/2 mile stretch of creek, removing 117 gallons of waste! Another great Community Service Event!

Check out this Instagram Reel featuring our work -

Rotarians doing yard work in mobile home park

On October 26, 2024, the Rotary Club of Pleasanton kicked off a new "Fall Edition" of its' annual “Rotary Gives Thanks” event. Seeing the need to serve more seniors, Rotarians focused on two mobile home parks off Vineyard Ave. in Pleasanton to clean the yards for 10 residents. These are people that either cannot afford to pay for such services or are otherwise not physically able to do the work themselves.

Here is a great Instagram Reel featuring our work -

Rotarians volunteering at the Pleasanton Military Families Pancake Breakfast event.

Rotarians serving breakfast for PMF fundraiser

On Saturday June 1, 2024, Pleasanton Rotary supported the 12th annual fundraiser for the Pleasanton Military Families (PMF). The event at Lions’ Park raised funds to support PMF shipments of care packages to active military deployed around the world. We provided a fruit extravaganza as part of the free breakfast event, with donations accepted. Thanks to Richard, Steve, Cove, Ricky and Nancy for working the event!

Rotarians working with scouts from Troop 911 removing debris during spring cleaning event.

Rotarians working with Scout Troop 911

On May 11, 2024, the Rotary Club of Pleasanton partnered with "CityServe of Tri-Valley" and "Scout Troop 911" to visit nine senior’s homes in the Tri-Valley. This annual program called, “Rotary Gives Thanks”, involves Pleasanton Rotarians visiting senior’s homes to provide cleaning and light home maintenance tasks. Due to the amount of rain we received this year, weed abatement, mowing of lawns, trimming of trees and bushes were the focus of the work this year.